'Happy birthday love' Otile's exes birthday party photos - Breaking Kenya News


'Happy birthday love' Otile's exes birthday party photos


Nabayet is living her best life and she is not apologetic. Just a young girl taking in what the world has to offer.

She went back to Australia when her relationship with Otile Brown ended -reasons best known to them- and since then, the pictures on her social media pages have been all glowy and full of smiles.

Yesterday she celebrated her birthday in style fam. We all know she is a very fashionable babe and also very classy. She posted pictures of her party and she went all out. Balloons, cup cakes on the side, a very huge cake and we cannot forget her hair, makeup and clothes.

Nabayet looked like a little princess and that she will always be to Otile Brown in as much as they broke up. 

Under the pictures, he commented with a birthday wishing saying,

"Happy birthday ❤️"

To which she responded saying,

"Thanks love 😘♥️"

Too much love going on there. At least their break up did not end with a lot of bile. They are still very good friends. Something we did not see between him and Vera Sidika.

She also recently celebrated her birthday and he did not even make an attempt to send her wishes.

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