

Hospital denies C-section that left patient barren was botched


Mumbuni Maternity and Nursing Home Hospital in Kitui has denied wrongdoing in a case where a patient says she lost her womb following an alleged botched C-section last year in July.

Director Jane Munyua was responding to inquiries from the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council after Benedeta Makaa, 34, filed a complaint that the procedure made her barren.

The operation was conducted to remove a pre-term baby to save Makaa's life. She claimed that the placenta was left in the uterus as the wound was stitched.

Backing her claims with medical records, Makaa said the rotting placenta badly affected the uterus, leading to another operation at Embu General Hospital where the uterus was emptied.

But responding to council CEO Daniel Yumbya in a letter dated September 7, Munyua denied that anything untoward happened during the operation.  She said Makaa was in good health when she left the hospital three days after the operation.

Munyua said Makaa went to the hospital profusely bleeding and with breathing difficulties. She said a male foetus was delivered although it died 20 minutes later.

Supporting the director’s affirmation, Dr J. Ndirangu who performed the contentious procedure denied leaving the placenta. 

 “I delivered the placenta, exteriorised the uterus, cleaned it and sutured it in layers,” he said.

Speaking to the Star on Wednesday, Makaa said hospital authorities were economical with the truth. She said she had adequate evidence to prove that the operation left her unable to conceive.

She said she was writing a comprehensive reply to the KMPDC disapproving the hospital's claims. She has until September 21 to respond. 

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