

Create digital solutions to clear trucks at border, urges PS


ICT Principal Secretary Jerome Ochieng' has instructed his team and that from Busia county to come up with a digital solution for seamless movement of trucks across the Busia and Malaba border points.

Speaking in Busia county commissioner’s office on Friday during a tour of projects undertaken by the ministry, the PS said technology should be used to clear the traffic snarl-up experienced at the border points.

“Based on the comments we have received, I have instructed the team from the county to work together with the team from the ministry to help deliver a quick digital solution that will help fast-track the clearance of this backlog,” Ochieng' said.

He pointed out that connectivity at the One Stop Border Post also needs to be addressed to ensure technology helps to provide solutions.

Busia Deputy Governor Moses Mulomi said congestion of trucks impedes  trade.

“Busia has been one of the epicentres of Covid-19 and most of the cases are related to the traffic snarl-up,” he said.

The team later visited the Busia One Stop Border Post to observe the operations and challenges experienced.

It was established that internet connectivity, increase of bandwidth and capacity building remained a major challenge.   

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